Located in Boulder County, Living Arts School is Colorado’s folk school. A folk school, also known as a craft school, is a place for “folks” to pursue a unique and life-changing education–one that focuses on the renewal of traditional living skills, crafts and music, and in deepening our relationship with the natural world. The modern-day application of these practices represents a return to a simpler, more creative way of life. When we take the time to make something with our hands, or to be in nature, we find a delightful surprise: We are, through the process, more connected to ourselves, to our earth and to each other in the spirit of community.
Our children's programs are adventures in folk arts and crafts, and the natural world, and serve to pass on the timeless and relevant traditions of the past, to the future.
Our Mission
As Colorado’s folk school, the Living Arts School is committed to creating a haven for “folks” to pursue a unique and life-changing education–one that focuses on the renewal of traditional living skills, crafts and music, and in deepening our relationship with the natural world. We believe that it feels good and is meaningful to make things for ourselves and each other, and that we make new connections to ourselves and our environment by spending time in nature. We seek to enrich our community’s natural, cultural and artistic legacy, and to support a movement of the people towards heart-centered resiliency and awake, aware living.
“Things we have made with wakened hands, and put soft life into
are awake through years with transferred touch, and go on glowing for long years.
And for this reason, some old things are lovely warm still with the life
of forgotten people who made them.”